Collection: Skills For The Hills!

Our Navigation Courses Hill Skills courses are designed to introduce new skills and techniques, build on or refresh existing knowledge and give you the keys which will open the gates to countless possibilities for self-guided adventures in the outdoor and upland environments.

Gaining an understanding of the basics of navigation can be the key that opens up countryside, hillside and mountain environments, and the foundation on which further skills can be built upon. Breathtaking and inspiring landscapes, which previously appeared beyond capability or seemingly out of reach, may now just be waiting to be explored.

Skills For The Hills courses will look into preparing for a day on the hills, walking skills, interpreting weather forecasts, choosing suitable a route, selecting appropriate equipment and clothing, understanding and using a map, navigation skills and strategies, emergency procedures and more.

New for 2024 - we will be running a number of Introduction to Map Skills courses in semi rural locations. These courses are designed with those who may have footpaths and countryside in their area but haven't had the confidence to explore.

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